May 26, 2020
The COVID-19 Crisis has caused a lot of ripples thru the world
and one came to my attention via my friend Danny Coposescu. An avid
football fan and political historian, Danny comes on to discuss his
favorite team, Scotland's Celtic FC, who have just been named
league champions despite the season not coming to a formal
On this episode we are drinking O'Donnell Toffee
Flavored moonshine! We are excited to continue
to have O'Donnell Moonshine as a new schnapps sponsor for the
Find out more at
The podcast for thinkers, wanderers and drink'n'ponderers.
Matthew Hendershot is your host, accompanied by co-hosts, Jake and Justin plus many guests throughout this journey, a booze fueled jaunt through a new land with new customs and rules. In the spirit of unbridled curiosity and the will to experience everything this eclectic crew set out on adventures and conversations from the unique to the mundane and take shots at figuring out this crazy modern world. This happens both literally and figuratively as each episode is properly greased by everyone's favorite social lubricant in it's most unadulterated form, Schnapps!